BLACK SABBATH's BILL WARD: 'I Hope That The Misery Of Mankind Stops Or Becomes Less'

December 18, 2007

BLACK SABBATH drummer Bill Ward has issued the following Christmas letter to fans:

"I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New year.

"I'm looking forward to, hopefully, a few days of quiet over the holidays.

"The year has been long and bittersweet. Musically, it's been a great year. However, in saying that, I have failed to get the album 'Beyond Aston' finished. I never experienced ever being part of a project with so many stops and starts. June 2nd — that was the date I signed off to start mixing. It felt at times that we were doomed not to progress. Technical problems and production loss gradually ground us to a halt. I even started another album at Keith's home studio (Keith Lynch, BILL WARD guitar player),in early November. We have six songs done so far on that album, untitled as yet.

"I do regret that 'Beyond Aston' didn't become available in 2007. We're in the action of re-setting up a production team to finish up in January/February 2008.

"Highlights of 2007:

"My daughter, Em, graduated, and I was there. I missed my youngest son's graduation (I was on tour),so seeing her graduate was a first-time experience (my oldest son didn't graduate — he dropped out and joined a band). I sat with my grandson in my arms and watched her graduate — brilliant.

"I saw Ronnie (James Dio),Tony (Iommi),Geezer (Butler) and Vinny (Appice) in Fresno. It was very nice to see them. I've definitely missed walking with Tony this year, and I always miss playing with them (Tony and Geezer). I watched the show and found myself taking a walk down memory lane when they played 'Heaven and Hell'. The show was great, and I'm still thinking about Geezer's bass playing. That night, he played brilliantly, I thought. I've never watched him play before, not even with Oz. I've never seen him live, not since the RAREBREED days. When I'm playing with Geezer, it's a totally different experience, so watching him perform on stage as I stood in the mix area was very powerful visually, and sound-wise, demolishing. He's just brill, period. His chops were tight, I'm honoured that I know the bloke.

"Our cats have taken over the house. I've finally surrendered to their will. For me, I have become their walker, waiter, scratcher and general servant, doing the most meaningful labour, some of which is too sordid to mention.

"I didn't go anywhere this year — Fresno, but I think that was it. Nearly all of my time was spent either writing or being in the studio. My wife went travelling. My oldest boy, Aeron, flew in from the UK with his girlfriend. He did a quick visit/trip up and down the west coast, and headed in no time at all, back to Blighty (GB).

"I've been walking and working and struggling and overcoming and laughing and getting past it; healing, speaking, singing, playing and talking to a lot of other people and musicians (there's a difference). I'm alive, and I'm not roaming the streets anymore like I was doing in December 1983.

"I can appreciate Christmas can bring heartache and financial worries (above the already possible existing financial worries). I hope you find solace among the shortfalls and anxieties. The healing focus to the suffering rich and poor alike, I hope, will always be thoughtful and strong. I hope that the misery of mankind stops or becomes less. I hope that all nature's animals and creatures will reign in prosperity. My Christmas wish is that our eyesight and hearing will continue to better detect the truth of any matter. I hope that we all grasp a little tighter to understanding the words 'objectification' and 'should.'"

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